Game Summaries & Headlines.
Renton CC at the Marauder Invitational
1 year ago @ 11:13AM
- Game Date
- Sep 30, 2023
Marauder Invite- September 30, 2023
It was a superb day for a race. So, the Renton girls’ team had to race superbly. The girls race results took a little while to get posted. When the results were posted with a mix of large schools to smaller schools, Renton girls team placed a respectable 11th out 17 teams. When I said they raced superbly Renton girls’ top finisher was Zoey Cheney (13:54PR) placing 29th out 216 racers, receiving a medal and we had so many Personal Records (PR), Renton’s other finishers Alice William (15:12PR) 61st, Jennalynn Bronstein (15:21PR) 68th, Isa Vargo (15:22) 69th, Layna Shirey (16:58PR) 123rd, Ryan Cheney (17:04) 126th, Aubrey Turk (17:50PR) 141st, Elizabeth Hebert-Foe (18:09PR) 146th, Isabel Kridner (20:19PR), and Lenah Hysko (1mi-15:58PR) Great racing ladies!
Not to be out done the Renton boys team also raced great. The middle school boy’s race had a couple more teams in it, Renton placed 11th as a team, out of 19 varying size schools. Renton individual racers also had a bunch of PR’s, led by Wyatt Sesnie (12:49PR) 42nd out of 231 people, followed by Alex Stolkey (13:45PR) 76th, Max Banas (13:52PR) 85th, Ethan Brophy (14:05PR) 100th, Henry Broughton (14:38) 116th, Oliver Sherz (15:04PR) 126th, Liam Holdwick (15:28) 141st, John Lapointe (15:40PR) 148th, Jackson Dodson (16:34) 173rd, Cael Dodson (16:45) 176th, Griffin Bozich (16:58PR) 183rd, Ryan Stolkey (17:07PR) 189th, Brady Allen (17:40PR) 195th, Carter Crane (18:11PR) 201st, Ryan Clelland (19:00) 206th, Liam/Lex Hysko (23:21) 229th, Jack/John Broughton (1 mi-17:48) and Aidan Hebert-Foe (1 mi-6:33). Nice job fellas!