Game Summaries & Headlines.
Renton at Huron League Jamboree #1
6.0 years ago @ 8:47PM
- Game Date
- Sep 18, 2018
- Score
- Huron High School: 0
Tuesday, September 18th, 2018- Huron League Jamboree #1
Despite the massive downpour of rain, the Renton boys had one heck of a good showing, taking first out of eight teams, with a score 33 points, in the first league jamboree. Help by Brady Fleszar 2nd (12:01PR), Ryan Morris 4th (12:12PR), Drew Slane 8th (12:57), Griffin Mentzer 9th (12:58), and Caiden Siggett 10th (13:05) all finishing in the top ten out of 94 runners. Other finishers, Nathan Zakar 29th (15:16), Jack Miller 33rd (15:43), Liam Hilliker 35th (15:49), Garrett Cheney 38th (15:55), Samuel Stanley 43rd (16:06), Rocco Sells 51st (16:45), Noah Myshock 52nd (16:50), Gavin O’Hara 53rd (16:56PR), Evan Banas 56th (17:09), Jacob Welch 63rd (17:32), Hunter Szawara 67th (17:39), Kyle Biller 69th (18:06), Zachary Taylor 72nd (18:19), Gavin Scannell 76th (18:41), Lucas 80th (18:55PR).
The Renton girls team not to be out done, took first place as well out of eight teams, with a score of 38 points. With Abigail Murphy 4th (14:20), Breeann Roupe 7th (14:44), Tiffany Burns 9th (14:46), and Gia Dean 10th (14:48) finishing in the top out of 78 runner. Other finishers Maggie Warden 11th (14:55), Leah Emch 12th (15:12), Elizabeth Anderson 14th (15:26PR), Madeleine Furkas 18th (16:00), Madison Connor 22nd (16:15), Cara Bean 31st (17:01), Olivia Feldpausch 41st (17:56PR), Hannah Gyolai 48th (19:06), and Natalie Carlile 54th (19:26).