Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Junior Varsity Soccer reaches Legendary status after defeating Grosse Ile
5.0 years ago @ 8:56PM
- Game Date
- Apr 25, 2019
- Score
- Huron High School: 1
Varsity B (girls junior varsity soccer) as they have begun to be called, continued their undefeated season and shut out Grosse Ile 1-0. Was it the magnificent saves Shayla Mcmanaman had or the attacking of Ashley Kamensky? Was it the outside midfield play from Mikayla Knott or the defense from Mamoona Chaudhry? Was it the brave midfield play from Chloe Evans or the shooting from Kiara Rosales? To fully understand this teams success you would first half to get into the soccer minds of maybe Megan Scott or Lily Hickman or even perhaps Madison Deluca or Molly Hall. One may become intrigued and try to dig deeper and find out what really creates legends and ask, was it the slide tackles and tough defense from Grace Traster or the speed and laser focus of Courtney Balazs? If one was really serious one might ask, was it Alexa Yoder and her tenacity to get to goal or Alivia Davis and her constant movement in the middle? Could it be Noelle Myshock and her positivity or Jessica Clark-Rose’s attention to detail. One might only be getting started if they asked if it was McKenna Darin possessing on the outside or Donna Roberts revving up the attack? Marianna Gonzalez stabilizing the defense or Avery Schaefer shutting down a forward?..........Well?..........Well?.....................OK I’ll tell you. To reach legendary status The Chiefs had to set out to accomplish something that has never been accomplished, a Huron girls soccer team beating Grosse Ile, either the JV or varsity, since coach Lividini has been involved with Huron. These JV girls accepted the challenge and saw it all the way through to become the first team to accomplish this. Alexa Yoder squeaked a late goal in for the game winner and in return started a chain of historical facts that will never be changed. In a hundred years this legend will still be being passed down from grandmother to granddaughter, father to son, sister to brother, and all who were involved will probably have city parks and bridges named after them. This is what legends are made of!