Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys 7th Baseball vs. Seitz Middle School
6.0 years ago @ 11:24AM
- Game Date
- May 8, 2018
- Score
- Huron High School: 1
In the 2nd game of the doubleheader, the Chiefs were once again up 1-0 going into the last inning before giving up 2 runs on a couple of errors to lose the game 2-1. Wyatt Harris pitched a great game, striking out 9 batters while giving up 2 walks. Wyatt also scored the Chiefs only run in the game. Jeffrey Bowers went 1-for-1 with an RBI and a walk. Wyatt Marentette went 1-for-2 at the plate and did a great job behind the plate for the Chiefs in both games of the doubleheader.
Renton is now 4-2 on the season and host Monroe on Thursday, May 10th at home.