go chiefs!

Huron High School

Boys Freshman Basketball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Freshman Basketball win 2 this week

2.0 years ago @ 5:10PM
Game Date
Dec 16, 2022
Huron High School: 47.00

Monday started the week with a trip to Livonia Clarenceville. The Chiefs started fast and got out to a 17-0 lead after the first quarter. The final was Huron 44- Clarenceville 29.

Ian Petrick-14 points

Nate Matsos- 9 points

Braden Munroe- 6 points

The week ended with us hosting Grosse Ile friday. GI provided us our toughest test so far. The kids responded well to the challege and came away with a 47-38 victory. Ryan Biller provider great 4th quarter defense to help lead us to the victory

Ian Petrick- 14 points

Jordan Stasak-9 points

Nate Matsos-9 points

Antwan Brewer- 6 points
