Game Summaries & Headlines.

Huron Boys Track - Huroc Relay Champions
1 year ago @ 8:55AM
- Game Date
- May 5, 2023
Huroc Relays 5/5/23
2023 Huroc Relay Champions!
With Flat Rock’s track under construction, Huron took over hosting their annual event on our home turf where they put in solid performances, leading for most of the competition. The Chiefs ended the night with the Championship trophy earning a total of 90 points. Nine of our relay teams medaled with Champion titles going to our Arrowhead Mile duo Morris & Dulecki, 4x800M Relay (Morris, Ghennewa, Kuhn, Stanley), 4x400M Relay (Anderson, Morris, Ghennewa, Kuhn) and Luciow & Buettner in the discus.
Relay Medal Winners for Huron:
4x100M Relay: 2nd Gavin Scannell, Alton Taylor, Ryan Anderson, Sammy Farrugia (45.9)
Arrowhead Mile: Champions-Ryan Morris & Luke Dulecki (Total Time 9:31.8)
Mid-Distance Medley (MMR2400): 2nd Kyle Biller, Abdul Ghennewa, Lucas Kuhn, Sam Stanley (6:19.3)
4x800M Relay: Champions-Ryan Morris, Abdul Ghennewa, Sam Stanley, Lucas Kuhn (8:43.2)
4x200M Relay: 3rd Sammy Farrugia, Gavin Scannell, Jordan Stasak, Alton Taylor (1:40.5)
4x400M Relay: Champions-Ryan Anderson, Ryan Morris, Abdul Ghennewa, Lucas Kuhn (3:41.4)
Long Jump: 2nd Noah Myshock & Alton Taylor (Total Distance 36’6”)
Discus: Champions-Josh Luciow & Josh Buettner (Total Distance 207’1.5”)
Shot Put: 2nd Josh Buettner & Aidan Witt (Total Distance 75’4”)