Game Summaries & Headlines.

Huron Defeats Riverview in a Tight Meet
2.0 years ago @ 8:18PM
- Game Date
- Apr 19, 2022
- Score
- Huron High School: 65
Huron vs Riverview 4/19/22
In a very tight meet, with 20 mph winds and some snow still lingering around, the Huron Boys Track team defeated Riverview with a score of 65-63. The team secured the victory with some last-minute changes in the last three events of the meet, adding Talley (1st) and Henninger (3rd) to the 200M dash along with moving Morris (3rd) into the 3200M run. The Chiefs placed first in 8 events and swept the high jump (Smith, Sells, Woolery). Griffin Mentzer hit a milestone running his first sub 5-minute mile with a time of 4:55.
Top Finishers for Huron:
110M Hurdles: 1st Miles Fichtner, 3rd Xander Scannell
100M Dash: 2nd Caleb Henninger, 3rd Isaac Smith
4x200M Relay: 1st Ryan Anderson, Sammy Farrugia, Caleb Henninger, Antonio Talley
1600M Run: 2nd Ryan Morris
4x100M Relay: 1st Isaac Smith, Gabe Anthony, Xander Scannell, Caleb Henninger
400M Dash: 1st Antonio Talley, 3rd Andrew Catalano
300M Hurdles: 2nd Miles Fichtner
800M Run: 2nd Griffin Mentzer, 3rd Lucas Kuhn
200M Dash: 1st Antonio Talley, 3rd Caleb Henninger
3200M Run: 3rd Ryan Morris
High Jump: 1st Isaac Smith, 2nd Rocco Sells, 3rd Ethan Woolery
Long Jump: 1st Gabe Anthony, 2nd Isaac Smith
Discus: 1st Josh Buettner