Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Track vs. Riverview
3.0 years ago @ 9:23AM
- Game Date
- Apr 16, 2021
- Score
- Huron High School: 72
Friday, April 16, 2021- The Huron Boys Track Team came out strong after the year-long gap in competition with a win against Riverview in our first meet of the season. The Chiefs scored 72 points to Riverview’s 56, placing first in 9 events, and swept the high jump and long jump.
Top Finishers for Huron:
110M Hurdles: 1st Griffin Cholette, 3rd Miles Fichtner
100M Dash: 1st Tycen Stevens, 2nd Caleb Henninger
4×100M Relay: 1st Caleb Henninger, Gabe Anthony, Tycen Stevens, Isaac Smith
400M Dash: 2nd Ayden Roupe
300M Hurdles: 1st Griffin Cholette, 2nd Miles Fichtner
800M Run: 3rd Ryan Morris
200M Dash: 1st Isaac Smith, 2nd Gabe Anthony
4×400M Relay: 1st Caleb Henninger, Tycen Stevens, Remy Emelian, Ayden Roupe
High Jump: 1st Griffin Cholette, 2nd Isaac Smith, 3rd Rocco Sells
Long Jump: 1st Tycen Stevens, 2nd Griffin Cholette, 3rd Nhat Vu
Discus: 1st Ricky McKibben
Shot Put: 2nd Ricky McKibben