Game Summaries & Headlines.
Huron Boys Track vs SMCC
5.0 years ago @ 8:18PM
- Game Date
- Apr 11, 2019
- Score
- Huron High School: 79
Huron vs SMCC 4/11/19
The Huron Boys track team begin the season with a win against SMCC in our first meet with a score of 79 points to SMCC’s 49. Despite the blistering headwinds, the team managed to place first in 9 events and swept the discus.
Top Finishers for Huron:
3200M Relay: 1st Drew Bean, Gabe Welch, Austin Fritz, Ayden Roupe
110M Hurdles: 1st MacKennon Dolencic, 3rd Miles Fichtner
100M Dash: 3rd Caleb Henninger
800M Relay: 1st Travis Russell, Sean Morris, Nathan Holder, Connor McCraight
1600M Run: 1st Ayden Roupe, 3rd Drew Bean
400M Dash: 2nd Connor McCraight, 3rd Nathan Holder
300M Hurdles: 1st MacKennon Dolencic, 3rd Jack Nickell
800M Run: 2nd Ayden Roupe, 3rd Drew Bean
200M Dash: 3rd Tycen Stevens
3200M Run: 1st Brendan Gyolai, 2nd Domenic DiMambro
High Jump: 1st Connor McCraight, 2nd Nathan Glinski
Long Jump: 3rd Travis Russell
Shot Put: 1st Brad Smith, 2nd Tyler Short
Discus: 1st Ricky McKibben, 2nd Tyler Short, 3rd Brad Smith