go chiefs!

Huron High School

Girls Varsity Soccer

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Milan HS School

1 year ago @ 9:21PM
Game Date
Apr 26, 2023
Huron High School: 2

Another close one!  Milan scored first but Rylie Cassette tied the game right back up after Shaylyn Carpenter slid her the ball.  Everything was tied up 1-1 at half and the Chiefs then went to work.  Holding the ball, possessing, attacking, shifting and moving. Lily Cholette was starting the attacks out of the back despite being a bit injured while Maggie Warden and Callie Eaton shut Milan down.  The Mentzers, Melissa and Maggie, not sisters, barely acquaintances, controlled the middle just before the big story of the night.  Freshman Ava Banko scored the go ahead goal by bending a direct free kick in from about 20 yards out. What a goal and what away to start her high school scoring career with varsity.  Four freshmen played in the game, Banko, and  Mentzer as regulars and Nhi Vo and Avery Turk made their debuts.  Ultimately the Chiefs lost their lead and eventually the game off of some miscommunications but the score nor their record is detouring them from their goals!

