Game Summaries & Headlines.
Chief's Soccer "In The Nest"
1 year ago @ 8:37PM
- Game Date
- Apr 17, 2023
- Score
- Huron High School: 8
Go, go, go, go, go, go, Go, Gabby, it’s your birthday….. We gon’ play soccer like it’s your birthday, and we gon’ sip some water like it’s your birthday and you know we don’t give it up cuz it’s your birthday!!!
Wow, sophomore Gabby Emelian celebrated her birthday with a seven point showing after pocketing her 1st ever varsity hat trick and an assist. Rylie Cassette had another big night with 3 points. Lily Cholette had a 3-point night as well with assist after assist after assist. All 19 varsity players came to play later rather than earlier. Cold, wet, hail and snow, not ideal circumstances, so who could really blame the Chiefs for taking so long to get rolling? Maggie Warden tried to convince her back line that cold was just a state of mind and she led by example both defensively and on the scoring sheet with a goal and a crossbar. Fellow defensemen Addison Dolencic, Molly Johnston, Hannah Purcell and Callie Eaton all braved the cold and went on threatening attacks with Eaton getting an assist. Huron has 8 midfielders who all were able to sub in for one another with 4 of them tallying points. Shaylyn Carpenter had 3 pts, Ava Plackowski scored her 1st ever varsity goal, Breeann Roupe had an assist and Maggie Mentzer added another goal to her resume. Mira Lazenby, Melissa Mentzer, Ava Banko and Addison Bozynski all had near misses as their midfield units continued to become more dominant. Up top Kendyl Sikorski and Danica Lividini each had opportunities that were just not meant to be. Huron’s amazing Riley Humeniak nearly had her 2nd straight shutout. She saved a penalty kick and then the rebound after the penalty kick and then the rebound after the rebound but unfortunately the right bounce got the ball across the line and so went the 2nd shut out but not Humeniak’s win.
Huron is 2-0 in league play and is one of the top teams in the Huron League with 16 goals for 1 against.
Goals Assists
Gabby Emelain 3 1
Rylie Cassette 1 1
Maggie Mentzer 1
Maggie Warden 1
Lily Cholette 3
Breeann Roupe 1
Ava Plackowski 1
Shaylyn Carpenter 1 1
Calie Eaton 1