Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Golf vs. Milan HS School
10.0 months ago @ 6:50AM
- Game Date
- May 13, 2024
- Score
- Huron High School: 175
The Chiefs traveled to Pine View golf course in Ypsilanti to take on Milan yesterday. A young group of new golfers were representing the tribe and the boys got off to a rough start but as the match progressed they started to tighten up their play. In the end, they played well but came up short carding a team score of 175 to Milan's 167. The top golfers for the Chiefs were Jack Newman with a 42, Ryan Biller with a 43, and Avery Ealey with a 43.
The Chiefs are back in action this Thursday in the Marauder Invitational at Lake Erie.