go chiefs!

Huron High School

Boys Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Golf vs. St. Mary Catholic Central

10.0 months ago @ 7:31AM
Game Date
May 6, 2024
Huron High School: 165

On Monday, May 6th, the boys Varsity golf team competed in a home match against SMCC at Willow Metro. The Chiefs got off to a great start with an even round through 4 holes but after battling through the next couple of rough holes, the guys came through the last few in good positions. The low rounds for the Chiefs came from Nicholas Kosiba with a 38, Tony Trupiano with a 41, Cameron Grant with a 42, and John Lerette carding a 44.

Great job guys!

The boys will be back in action on Wednesday, May 8th at Willow to face the Flat Rock Rams.
